Yun Hu, Tomas Herrero, B Baker, J Tung, Luca Jubitana, Monique Miller
Baker Lab 2016
Baker Lab 2010
Barbara Baker in the Greenhouse
Mortar and pestle work, in the lab


Baker Lab Research on Plant Innate Immunity

Our research focuses on understanding molecular-genetic mechanisms of plant innate immunity. We are investigating the structure, function and evolution of host genes for pathogen disease resistance. Our experimental system includes viral, bacterial and oomycete plant pathogens and their Solanaceae plant hosts. We anticipate that our studies will lead to new environmentally benign strategies for durable, broad-spectrum disease resistant crops. 

Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) 2017 award for research on plant innnate immunity

Barbara Baker and Jacob Brunkard received an Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) 2017 award for research on regulation of plant innate immunity.

MicroRNA regulation of plant innate immune receptors

Plant innate immunity depends on recognition of pathogen effectors and triggering of host defenses. Plant resistance (R)-genes (NLR genes) encode a major class of innate immune receptors. Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) guide gene silencing and play essential regulatory roles in development, genome function and host defense. We discovered novel miRNA families whose members silence NLR-genes including those encoding resistance to major pathogens of Solanaceae crops.
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