Artificial microRNA-mediated resistance to cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana.

TitleArtificial microRNA-mediated resistance to cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsLiang C, Hao J, Li J, Baker B, Luo L
Date Published2019 Nov
KeywordsCucumis sativus, Disease Resistance, DNA Damage, MicroRNAs, Nicotiana, Plant Diseases, Tobamovirus
Abstract<p>We describe a Nicotiana benthamiana system for rapid identification of artificial microRNA (amiRNA) to control cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) disease. Although artificial miRNA technology has been used to control other viral diseases, it has not been applied to reduce severe cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) disease and crop loss in the economically important cucurbits. We used our system to identify three amiRNAs targeting CGMMV RNA (amiR1-CP, amiR4-MP and amiR6-Rep) and show that their expression reduces CGMMV replication and disease in virus-infected plants. This work streamlines the process of generating amiRNA virus-resistant crops and can be broadly applied to identify active antiviral amiRNAs against a broad spectrum of viruses to control disease in diverse crops.</p>
Alternate JournalPlanta
PubMed ID31388829
PubMed Central ID1456869
Grant List31371910 / / National Science Foundation of China /
2017YFD0201601 / / National Key Research and Development Program of China /
201606350070 / / China Scholarship Council /