Clathrin light chains negatively regulate plant immunity by hijacking the autophagy pathway.

TitleClathrin light chains negatively regulate plant immunity by hijacking the autophagy pathway.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsLan H-J, Ran J, Wang W-X, Zhang L, Wu N-N, Zhao Y-T, Huang M-J, Ni M, Liu F, Cheng N, Nakata PA, Pan J, Whitham SA, Baker BJ, Liu J-Z
JournalPlant Commun
Date Published2024 Aug 12
KeywordsArabidopsis, Arabidopsis Proteins, Autophagy, Clathrin Light Chains, Plant Diseases, Plant Immunity
Abstract<p>The crosstalk between clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) and the autophagy pathway has been reported in mammals; however, the interconnection of CME with autophagy has not been established in plants. Here, we report that the Arabidopsis CLATHRIN LIGHT CHAIN (CLC) subunit 2 and 3 double mutant, clc2-1 clc3-1, phenocopies Arabidopsis AUTOPHAGY-RELATED GENE (ATG) mutants in both autoimmunity and nutrient sensitivity. Accordingly, the autophagy pathway is significantly compromised in the clc2-1 clc3-1 mutant. Interestingly, multiple assays demonstrate that CLC2 directly interacts with ATG8h/ATG8i in a domain-specific manner. As expected, both GFP-ATG8h/GFP-ATG8i and CLC2-GFP are subjected to autophagic degradation, and degradation of GFP-ATG8h is significantly reduced in the clc2-1 clc3-1 mutant. Notably, simultaneous knockout of ATG8h and ATG8i by CRISPR-Cas9 results in enhanced resistance against Golovinomyces cichoracearum, supporting the functional relevance of the CLC2-ATG8h/8i interactions. In conclusion, our results reveal a link between the function of CLCs and the autophagy pathway in Arabidopsis.</p>
Alternate JournalPlant Commun
PubMed ID38693694
PubMed Central IDPMC11369776