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Journal Article
Healy J, Corr C, DeYoung J, Baker B.  1993.  Linked and unlinked transposition of a genetically marked Dissociation element in transgenic tomato. Genetics. 134(2):571-84.
Li F, Brunkard JO, Baker B.  2022.  LncRNA gets into the balancing act.. Cell Host Microbe. 30(8):1061-1063.
Shi Y-F, Wang D-L, Wang C, Culler A H, Kreiser MA, Suresh J, Cohen JD, Pan J, Baker B, Liu J-Z.  2015.  Loss of GSNOR1 Function Leads to Compromised Auxin Signaling and Polar Auxin Transport. Molecular plant. 8(9):1350-65.PDF icon GSNOR1.Mol_.Plant_.2015.pdf (654.61 KB)