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Miao S, Liang C, Li J, Baker B, Luo L.  2021.  Polycistronic Artificial microRNA-Mediated Resistance to Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus in Cucumber.. Int J Mol Sci. 22(22)
Gonzalez-Cendales Y, Catanzariti A-M, Baker B, Mcgrath DJ, Jones DA.  2016.  Identification of I-7 expands the repertoire of genes for resistance to Fusarium wilt in tomato to three resistance gene classes. Molecular plant pathology. 17(3):448-63.PDF icon Gonzalez-Cendales 2016 I-7 paper.pdf (582.9 KB)
Zhang LH, Mojtahedi H, Kuang, H, Baker, B, Brown CR.  2007.  Marker-assisted selection of Columbia Root-Knot nematode resistance introgressed from Solanum bulbocastanum. Crop Science. 47:2021-2026.
Kuang H, Wei F, Marano M R, Wirtz U, Wang X, Liu J, Shum W P, Zaborsky J, Tallon LJ, Rensink W et al..  2005.  The R1 resistance gene cluster contains three groups of independently evolving, type I R1 homologues and shows substantial structural variation among haplotypes of Solanum demissum. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 44(1):37-51.
Brigneti G, Martín-Hernández AM, Jin H, Chen J, Baulcombe DC, Baker B, Jones JDG.  2004.  Virus-induced gene silencing in Solanum species. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 39(2):264-72.PDF icon Brigneti et al. VIGS in Solanum.PJ_.2004.pdf (250.87 KB)
Rojo E, Martín R, Carter C, Zouhar J, Pan S, Plotnikova J, Jin H, Paneque M, Sánchez-Serrano J J, Baker B et al..  2004.  VPEgamma exhibits a caspase-like activity that contributes to defense against pathogens. Current biology : CB. 14(21):1897-906.
Whitham S, McCormick S, Baker B.  1996.  The N gene of tobacco confers resistance to tobacco mosaic virus in transgenic tomato. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93(16):8776-81.
Osborne BI, Corr CA, Prince JP, Hehl R, Tanksley SD, McCormick S, Baker B.  1991.  Ac transposition from a T-DNA can generate linked and unlinked clusters of insertions in the tomato genome. Genetics. 129(3):833-44.
Laufs J, Wirtz U, Kammann M, Matzeit V, Schaefer S, Schell J, Czernilofsky AP, Baker B, Gronenborn B.  1990.  Wheat dwarf virus Ac/Ds vectors: expression and excision of transposable elements introduced into various cereals by a viral replicon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 87(19):7752-6.
Bishop JM, Baker B, Fujita D, McCombe P, Sheiness D, Smith K, Spector DH, Stehelin D, Varmus HE.  1978.  Genesis of a virus-transforming gene. National Cancer Institute monograph. (48):219-23.