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Lan H-J, Ran J, Wang W-X, Zhang L, Wu N-N, Zhao Y-T, Huang M-J, Ni M, Liu F, Cheng N et al..  2024.  Clathrin light chains negatively regulate plant immunity by hijacking the autophagy pathway.. Plant Commun. 5(8):100937.
Zhang Q, Wang J, Li Y, Tung J, Deng Y, Baker B, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Li F.  2024.  Conserved transcription factors NRZ1 and NRM1 regulate NLR receptor-mediated immunity.. Plant Physiol. 195(1):832-849.
Wang J, Zhang Q, Tung J, Zhang X, Liu D, Deng Y, Tian Z, Chen H, Wang T, Yin W et al..  2024.  High-quality assembled and annotated genomes of Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana benthamiana reveal chromosome evolution and changes in defense arsenals.. Mol Plant. 17(3):423-437.
Li F, Brunkard JO, Baker B.  2022.  LncRNA gets into the balancing act.. Cell Host Microbe. 30(8):1061-1063.
Miao S, Liang C, Li J, Baker B, Luo L.  2021.  Polycistronic Artificial microRNA-Mediated Resistance to Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus in Cucumber.. Int J Mol Sci. 22(22)
Liang C, Hao J, Li J, Baker B, Luo L.  2019.  Artificial microRNA-mediated resistance to cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana.. Planta. 250(5):1591-1601.
Deng Y, Wang J, Tung J, Liu D, Zhou Y, He S, Du Y, Baker B, Li F.  2018.  A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth. PLOS Pathogens. 14(1)PDF icon Deng et al. sRNA Regulating Innate Immunity PLOS Pathogens.pdf (856.94 KB)
Deng Y, Wang J, Tung J, Liu D, Zhou Y, He S, Du Y, Baker B, Li F.  2018.  A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth.. PLoS Pathog. 14(1):e1006756.
Brunkard JO, Baker B.  2018.  A Two-Headed Monster to Avert Disaster: HBS1/SKI7 Is Alternatively Spliced to Build Eukaryotic RNA Surveillance Complexes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9(10.3389/fpls.2018.01333)PDF icon HBS1/SKI7 Is Alternatively Spliced for RNA Surveillance (3.66 MB)
Brunkard JO, Baker B.  2018.  A Two-Headed Monster to Avert Disaster: HBS1/SKI7 Is Alternatively Spliced to Build Eukaryotic RNA Surveillance Complexes.. Front Plant Sci. 9:1333.
Gonzalez-Cendales Y, Catanzariti A-M, Baker B, Mcgrath DJ, Jones DA.  2016.  Identification of I-7 expands the repertoire of genes for resistance to Fusarium wilt in tomato to three resistance gene classes. Molecular plant pathology. 17(3):448-63.PDF icon Gonzalez-Cendales 2016 I-7 paper.pdf (582.9 KB)
Yuan X, Yan C, Wu Z, Ren F, Zhang H, Baker B, Chen J, Kuang H.  2015.  Frequent Gain and Loss of Resistance against Tobacco Mosaic Virus in Nicotiana Species. Molecular plant. PDF icon Yuan et al. Gain Loss TMV Resistance.2015.MolPlant.CellPress.pdf (374.35 KB)
Shi Y-F, Wang D-L, Wang C, Culler A H, Kreiser MA, Suresh J, Cohen JD, Pan J, Baker B, Liu J-Z.  2015.  Loss of GSNOR1 Function Leads to Compromised Auxin Signaling and Polar Auxin Transport. Molecular plant. 8(9):1350-65.PDF icon GSNOR1.Mol_.Plant_.2015.pdf (654.61 KB)
Li F, Pignatta D, Bendix C, Brunkard JO, Cohn MM, Tung J, Sun H, Kumar P, Baker B.  2012.  MicroRNA regulation of plant innate immune receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(5):1790-5.PDF icon Li et al. miRNA.Innate.Immune.Receptors.PNAS_.2012.pdf (3.95 MB)
Li F, Orban R, Baker B.  2012.  SoMART: a web server for plant miRNA, tasiRNA and target gene analysis. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 70(5):891-901.PDF icon Li et al.SoMART.Server.miRNA_.PJ_.2012.pdf (1.41 MB)
Kuang H, Padmanabhan C, Li F, Kamei A, Bhaskar PB, Ouyang S, Jiang J, Buell RC, Baker B.  2009.  Identification of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) and biogenesis of their siRNAs in the Solanaceae: new functional implications for MITEs. Genome research. 19(1):42-56.PDF icon Kuang et al.Sol-MITEs Transposons_Function.GenRes.2009.pdf (892.26 KB)
Friedman AR, Baker BJ.  2007.  The evolution of resistance genes in multi-protein plant resistance systems.. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 17(6):493-9.
Zhang LH, Mojtahedi H, Kuang, H, Baker, B, Brown CR.  2007.  Marker-assisted selection of Columbia Root-Knot nematode resistance introgressed from Solanum bulbocastanum. Crop Science. 47:2021-2026.
Huang S, van der Vossen EAG, Kuang H, Vleeshouwers VGAA, Zhang N, Borm TJA, van Eck HJ, Baker B, Jacobsen E, Visser RGF.  2005.  Comparative genomics enabled the isolation of the R3a late blight resistance gene in potato. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 42(2):251-61.
Hu G, deHart AKA, Li Y, Ustach C, Handley V, Navarre R, Hwang C-F, Aegerter BJ, Williamson VM, Baker B.  2005.  EDS1 in tomato is required for resistance mediated by TIR-class R genes and the receptor-like R gene Ve. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 42(3):376-91.PDF icon Hu et al.EDS1TIR-RLP ResistanceTomato.PJ_.2005.pdf (943.43 KB)
Kuang H, Wei F, Marano M R, Wirtz U, Wang X, Liu J, Shum W P, Zaborsky J, Tallon LJ, Rensink W et al..  2005.  The R1 resistance gene cluster contains three groups of independently evolving, type I R1 homologues and shows substantial structural variation among haplotypes of Solanum demissum. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 44(1):37-51.
Schornack S, Ballvora A, Gürlebeck D, Peart J, Baulcombe D, Ganal M, Baker B, Bonas U, Lahaye T.  2004.  The tomato resistance protein Bs4 is a predicted non-nuclear TIR-NB-LRR protein that mediates defense responses to severely truncated derivatives of AvrBs4 and overexpressed AvrBs3. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 37(1):46-60.
Brigneti G, Martín-Hernández AM, Jin H, Chen J, Baulcombe DC, Baker B, Jones JDG.  2004.  Virus-induced gene silencing in Solanum species. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 39(2):264-72.PDF icon Brigneti et al. VIGS in Solanum.PJ_.2004.pdf (250.87 KB)
Rojo E, Martín R, Carter C, Zouhar J, Pan S, Plotnikova J, Jin H, Paneque M, Sánchez-Serrano J J, Baker B et al..  2004.  VPEgamma exhibits a caspase-like activity that contributes to defense against pathogens. Current biology : CB. 14(21):1897-906.
Ronning CM, Stegalkina SS, Ascenzi RA, Bougri O, Hart AL, Utterbach TR, Vanaken SE, Riedmuller SB, White JA, Cho J et al..  2003.  Comparative analyses of potato expressed sequence tag libraries. Plant physiology. 131(2):419-29.
Jin H, Liu Y, Yang K-Y, Kim C Y, Baker B, Zhang S.  2003.  Function of a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in N gene-mediated resistance in tobacco. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 33(4):719-31.PDF icon Jin et al. MEKK1-like in Plant Innate Immunity.Dev Cell.2002.pdf (1.03 MB)
Liu Y, Jin H, Yang K-Y, Kim C Y, Baker B, Zhang S.  2003.  Interaction between two mitogen-activated protein kinases during tobacco defense signaling. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 34(2):149-60.PDF icon Liu et al. WIPK SIPK Resistance.PJ_.2003.pdf (291.67 KB)
Ballvora A, Schornack S, Baker BJ, Ganal M, Bonas U, Lahaye T.  2001.  Chromosome landing at the tomato Bs4 locus. Molecular genetics and genomics : MGG. 266(4):639-45.
Dinesh-Kumar SP, Baker BJ.  2000.  Alternatively spliced N resistance gene transcripts: their possible role in tobacco mosaic virus resistance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97(4):1908-13.PDF icon Kumar et al.Alternative Splicing N.PNAS_.2000.pdf (381.37 KB)
Dinesh-Kumar SP, Tham WH, Baker BJ.  2000.  Structure-function analysis of the tobacco mosaic virus resistance gene N. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97(26):14789-94.
Erickson FL, Holzberg S, Calderon-Urrea A, Handley V, Axtell M, Corr C, Baker B.  1999.  The helicase domain of the TMV replicase proteins induces the N-mediated defence response in tobacco. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 18(1):67-75.
Erickson FL, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Holzberg S, Ustach CV, Dutton M, Handley V, Corr C, Baker BJ.  1999.  Interactions between tobacco mosaic virus and the tobacco N gene. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 354(1383):653-8.
Wirtz U, Osborne B, Baker B.  1997.  Ds excision from extrachromosomal geminivirus vector DNA is coupled to vector DNA replication in maize. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 11(1):125-35.
Whitham S, McCormick S, Baker B.  1996.  The N gene of tobacco confers resistance to tobacco mosaic virus in transgenic tomato. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93(16):8776-81.
Osborne BI, Baker B.  1995.  Movers and shakers: maize transposons as tools for analyzing other plant genomes. Current opinion in cell biology. 7(3):406-13.PDF icon Osborne and Baker.Transposons_Plant Genomes.CurrBio.1995.pdf (2.08 MB)
Osborne BI, Wirtz U, Baker B.  1995.  A system for insertional mutagenesis and chromosomal rearrangement using the Ds transposon and Cre-lox. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 7(4):687-701.
Dinesh-Kumar SP, Whitham S, Choi D, Hehl R, Corr C, Baker B.  1995.  Transposon tagging of tobacco mosaic virus resistance gene N: its possible role in the TMV-N-mediated signal transduction pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 92(10):4175-80.PDF icon Kumar et al.Transposon tagging N.PNAS_.1995.pdf (1.36 MB)
Honma MA, Baker BJ, Waddell CS.  1993.  High-frequency germinal transposition of DsALS in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 90(13):6242-6.
Healy J, Corr C, DeYoung J, Baker B.  1993.  Linked and unlinked transposition of a genetically marked Dissociation element in transgenic tomato. Genetics. 134(2):571-84.
Osborne BI, Corr CA, Prince JP, Hehl R, Tanksley SD, McCormick S, Baker B.  1991.  Ac transposition from a T-DNA can generate linked and unlinked clusters of insertions in the tomato genome. Genetics. 129(3):833-44.
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Czernilofsky AP, Hain R, Herrera-Estrella L, Lörz H, Goyvaerts E, Baker BJ, Schell J.  1986.  Fate of selectable marker DNA integrated into the genome of Nicotiana tabacum. DNA (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.). 5(2):101-13.
Czernilofsky AP, Hain R, Baker B, Wirtz U.  1986.  Studies of the structure and functional organization of foreign DNA integrated into the genome of Nicotiana tabacum. DNA (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.). 5(6):473-82.
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