University of California, Berkeley | Plant & Microbial Biology
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Conserved transcription factors NRZ1 and NRM1 regulate NLR receptor-mediated immunity.. Plant Physiol. 195(1):832-849.
2024. Conserved transcription factors NRZ1 and NRM1 regulate NLR receptor-mediated immunity.. Plant Physiol. 195(1):832-849.
2024. .
2024. .
2024. A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth.. PLoS Pathog. 14(1):e1006756.
2018. A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth. PLOS Pathogens. 14(1)
Deng et al. sRNA Regulating Innate Immunity PLOS Pathogens.pdf (856.94 KB)
A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth.. PLoS Pathog. 14(1):e1006756.
2018. A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth. PLOS Pathogens. 14(1)
Deng et al. sRNA Regulating Innate Immunity PLOS Pathogens.pdf (856.94 KB)
Alternatively spliced N resistance gene transcripts: their possible role in tobacco mosaic virus resistance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97(4):1908-13.
Kumar et al.Alternative Splicing N.PNAS_.2000.pdf (381.37 KB)
Structure-function analysis of the tobacco mosaic virus resistance gene N. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97(26):14789-94.
2000. Interactions between tobacco mosaic virus and the tobacco N gene. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 354(1383):653-8.
1999. Interactions between tobacco mosaic virus and the tobacco N gene. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 354(1383):653-8.
1999. Transposon tagging of tobacco mosaic virus resistance gene N: its possible role in the TMV-N-mediated signal transduction pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 92(10):4175-80.
Kumar et al.Transposon tagging N.PNAS_.1995.pdf (1.36 MB)
Linked and unlinked transposition of a genetically marked Dissociation element in transgenic tomato. Genetics. 134(2):571-84.