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Zhang Q, Wang J, Li Y, Tung J, Deng Y, Baker B, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Li F.  2024.  Conserved transcription factors NRZ1 and NRM1 regulate NLR receptor-mediated immunity.. Plant Physiol. 195(1):832-849.
Zhang Q, Wang J, Li Y, Tung J, Deng Y, Baker B, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Li F.  2024.  Conserved transcription factors NRZ1 and NRM1 regulate NLR receptor-mediated immunity.. Plant Physiol. 195(1):832-849.
Wang J, Zhang Q, Tung J, Zhang X, Liu D, Deng Y, Tian Z, Chen H, Wang T, Yin W et al..  2024.  High-quality assembled and annotated genomes of Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana benthamiana reveal chromosome evolution and changes in defense arsenals.. Mol Plant. 17(3):423-437.
Wang J, Zhang Q, Tung J, Zhang X, Liu D, Deng Y, Tian Z, Chen H, Wang T, Yin W et al..  2024.  High-quality assembled and annotated genomes of Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana benthamiana reveal chromosome evolution and changes in defense arsenals.. Mol Plant. 17(3):423-437.
Deng Y, Wang J, Tung J, Liu D, Zhou Y, He S, Du Y, Baker B, Li F.  2018.  A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth.. PLoS Pathog. 14(1):e1006756.
Deng Y, Wang J, Tung J, Liu D, Zhou Y, He S, Du Y, Baker B, Li F.  2018.  A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth. PLOS Pathogens. 14(1)PDF icon Deng et al. sRNA Regulating Innate Immunity PLOS Pathogens.pdf (856.94 KB)
Deng Y, Wang J, Tung J, Liu D, Zhou Y, He S, Du Y, Baker B, Li F.  2018.  A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth.. PLoS Pathog. 14(1):e1006756.
Deng Y, Wang J, Tung J, Liu D, Zhou Y, He S, Du Y, Baker B, Li F.  2018.  A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth. PLOS Pathogens. 14(1)PDF icon Deng et al. sRNA Regulating Innate Immunity PLOS Pathogens.pdf (856.94 KB)
Dinesh-Kumar SP, Baker BJ.  2000.  Alternatively spliced N resistance gene transcripts: their possible role in tobacco mosaic virus resistance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97(4):1908-13.PDF icon Kumar et al.Alternative Splicing N.PNAS_.2000.pdf (381.37 KB)
Dinesh-Kumar SP, Tham WH, Baker BJ.  2000.  Structure-function analysis of the tobacco mosaic virus resistance gene N. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97(26):14789-94.
Erickson FL, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Holzberg S, Ustach CV, Dutton M, Handley V, Corr C, Baker BJ.  1999.  Interactions between tobacco mosaic virus and the tobacco N gene. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 354(1383):653-8.
Erickson FL, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Holzberg S, Ustach CV, Dutton M, Handley V, Corr C, Baker BJ.  1999.  Interactions between tobacco mosaic virus and the tobacco N gene. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 354(1383):653-8.
Dinesh-Kumar SP, Whitham S, Choi D, Hehl R, Corr C, Baker B.  1995.  Transposon tagging of tobacco mosaic virus resistance gene N: its possible role in the TMV-N-mediated signal transduction pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 92(10):4175-80.PDF icon Kumar et al.Transposon tagging N.PNAS_.1995.pdf (1.36 MB)
Healy J, Corr C, DeYoung J, Baker B.  1993.  Linked and unlinked transposition of a genetically marked Dissociation element in transgenic tomato. Genetics. 134(2):571-84.