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Lan H-J, Ran J, Wang W-X, Zhang L, Wu N-N, Zhao Y-T, Huang M-J, Ni M, Liu F, Cheng N et al..  2024.  Clathrin light chains negatively regulate plant immunity by hijacking the autophagy pathway.. Plant Commun. 5(8):100937.
Lan H-J, Ran J, Wang W-X, Zhang L, Wu N-N, Zhao Y-T, Huang M-J, Ni M, Liu F, Cheng N et al..  2024.  Clathrin light chains negatively regulate plant immunity by hijacking the autophagy pathway.. Plant Commun. 5(8):100937.
Hu G, deHart AKA, Li Y, Ustach C, Handley V, Navarre R, Hwang C-F, Aegerter BJ, Williamson VM, Baker B.  2005.  EDS1 in tomato is required for resistance mediated by TIR-class R genes and the receptor-like R gene Ve. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 42(3):376-91.PDF icon Hu et al.EDS1TIR-RLP ResistanceTomato.PJ_.2005.pdf (943.43 KB)