University of California, Berkeley | Plant & Microbial Biology
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Clathrin light chains negatively regulate plant immunity by hijacking the autophagy pathway.. Plant Commun. 5(8):100937.
2024. Clathrin light chains negatively regulate plant immunity by hijacking the autophagy pathway.. Plant Commun. 5(8):100937.
2024. Conserved transcription factors NRZ1 and NRM1 regulate NLR receptor-mediated immunity.. Plant Physiol. 195(1):832-849.
2024. .
2024. .
2024. A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth.. PLoS Pathog. 14(1):e1006756.
2018. A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth. PLOS Pathogens. 14(1)
Deng et al. sRNA Regulating Innate Immunity PLOS Pathogens.pdf (856.94 KB)
Marker-assisted selection of Columbia Root-Knot nematode resistance introgressed from Solanum bulbocastanum. Crop Science. 47:2021-2026.
2007. Comparative genomics enabled the isolation of the R3a late blight resistance gene in potato. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 42(2):251-61.
2005. The R1 resistance gene cluster contains three groups of independently evolving, type I R1 homologues and shows substantial structural variation among haplotypes of Solanum demissum. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 44(1):37-51.
2005. The R1 resistance gene cluster contains three groups of independently evolving, type I R1 homologues and shows substantial structural variation among haplotypes of Solanum demissum. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 44(1):37-51.
2005. VPEgamma exhibits a caspase-like activity that contributes to defense against pathogens. Current biology : CB. 14(21):1897-906.
2004. Comparative analyses of potato expressed sequence tag libraries. Plant physiology. 131(2):419-29.
2003. Function of a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in N gene-mediated resistance in tobacco. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 33(4):719-31.
Jin et al. MEKK1-like in Plant Innate Immunity.Dev Cell.2002.pdf (1.03 MB)
Interaction between two mitogen-activated protein kinases during tobacco defense signaling. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 34(2):149-60.
Liu et al. WIPK SIPK Resistance.PJ_.2003.pdf (291.67 KB)